A few sentences about me
Describing oneself in a few sentences and allowing others to get to know you better can be challenging. Perhaps it’s best to start from the end, thinking about what we already have. We often focus on our shortcomings and what we lack, but through years of working in gastronomy, shifts that lasted from morning to night and a diet that shouldn’t even be called healthy, I realized how important it is to take care of my own health.

Your trust is my highest priority!
Moram prokomentirati jer me krema oduševila, hidratantna je i ne masti kožu. Ja sam u 60-tima i koža mi je nepodnošljivo suha i stalno sam imala onaj osjećaj zategnutosti, osjećaj kada svaku boru na licu osjetite i strašno vas iritira. Mislim da sam konačno pronašla kremu koja mi odgovara, koža mi doslovce isijava, teško je opisati taj divan osjećaj kao da sam se maloprije umila, toliko osvježava lice, nema onog užasnog osjećaja zategnutosti koji vas podsjeća na vaše godine. Upija se brzo i ne ostavlja tragove, koristim je kao noćnu i dnevnu kremu. Hvala Gloria od srca. Volim gledati vaše objave, jer toliko zračite, toliko divno i s puno ljubavi objašnjavate svaku ljekovitu biljčicu. Pozdrav.
J. B.
Poštovana, stigla mi je pošiljka! Toliko sam radosna!! S dodatkom drvca?? Ma, hvalit ću Vas svugdje!! Pohvalit ću Vas i Vaš blog svugdje!! Osim što kao osoba širite dobru vibru, svaki Vaš video je toliko poučan i jednostavan!!
Lagano već nanijela gel! Radujem se brzom boljitku!
Naručila bih još jedan gel, jer se bliži rođendan drage mi osobe. Također ima problema sa zglobovima.. Uvjerena sam da će joj pomoći, kao i meni!
Hallo draga naša Gloryday, evo da ti zahvalim što sa nama laicima dijeliš svoje znanje i poznavanje biljaka i njihovu čudnovatu moć.
Ja bih spomenula tamjan i produkte od tamjana, ti znaš koliko zadnje vrijeme imam problema sa zglobovima....zahvaljujući tebi i tvojoj preporuci za tablete od tamjana i uz to TVOJ gel od tamjana, nakon 10 dana osjećam se puno bolje...preporučam svima koje muči bilo što vezano uz zglobove..
P.S. Znam da ne može odmah biti najbolje, ali je puno bolje...hvala ti!!
Who is behind Glory Day?

Gloria Glušac
“It doesn’t happen to me and my loved ones, but to someone out there…”
Life, or perhaps a higher power, reminded me that I am not immortal, and that I am not exempt from the challenges we all share. Step by step, like a cat stealthily following every move of a mouse, my health began to deteriorate, deeper than just a surface condition. Disappointed in modern medicine, despite advances in knowledge, it seemed that solutions weren’t as simple as taking a pill.
At 27, my consciousness and conscience suggested that ‘the solution’ wasn’t pill popping, no matter how easy it seemed. On this healing journey, the spirits of my childhood reminded me of the little herbalist within me who knew which plants to use and how. So, my path led me to the beautiful Austrian mountains, where I completed my education as an Ayurvedic health counselor.
With newfound knowledge, I managed to heal my body, change my diet, and habits related to movement and rest. I am soon finishing my education as a phytotherapist, reawakening old memories of days when my grandparents took me through the Zagorje forests and meadows, patiently explaining the purpose of each colorful flower. Cosmetics were an unknown concept to me then, but due to my mother’s desire for a natural cream, I gradually started making creams for her and acquaintances. During that process, I realized that I lacked professional knowledge.
Still surrounded by the natural beauty of Austria, I am currently finishing a year of education on making natural and herbal cosmetics. In the meantime, I have successfully completed my healing journey and restored my health to its original state – now I feel fantastic. I decided to share my acquired knowledge with others because I believe that what I have in my head has value. Therefore, I create content on social media about the plants I observe and find in nature.
“I create a variety of products from the same plants, including face creams, hand and body lotions, pain relief ointments, and hair shampoos. Since humans are whole, so is their health. This health consists of the body, which we can influence through creams and ointments, the mind (psyche), which we can stimulate using scents like frankincense, myrrh, and essential oils, and finally, the soul itself, which rejoices when we do good for ourselves.”
Flower fields
Fill my soul
As I gaze upon you, Gloryday And lend an ear.Each bloom,
Each herb,
For you, Gloryday
Is a muse.Be it health,
Beauty, or restful sleep,
Through every plant
A divine gift we reap.We know, many of us,
When troubles arise,
How you guide us, Gloryday, With your wise advice.Even today
Our little star shines bright, Sharing wisdom on health, Gloryday, a guiding light.Author: Biserka Keglević

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